Five Animals - Qigong Form
The video clip below shows my Master Faye Yip performing the Animals Form.
The Five Animals Frolic Qigong Formwith simple instruction in English
五禽戏 Wu Qin Xi – Five Animal Frolic
Yu Bei Shi Ready Position
虎戏 Tiger Play
1. 虎举 Raising the Tiger’s Paws
2.虎扑 Seizing the Prey
鹿戏 Deer Play
1.鹿抵 Colliding with the Antlers
2.鹿奔 Galloping/running like a Deer
熊戏 Bear Play
1.熊运 Belly Rub like a Bear
2.熊晃 Walking/Swaying like a Bear
猿戏 Monkey Play
1.猿提 Lifting up
2.猿摘 Picking Fruit
鸟戏 BirdPlay
1.鸟伸 Bird Stretch
2. 鸟飞 Bird Fly